Never let Go Of Your Dreams

01:13 0 Comments

Chase your dreams

"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride", as the popular saying goes. If wishing could make things happen, then everyone would have everything they wanted without actually making an effort.

But things are not that easy to achieve. It demands more from you than you can even think of. Those are the DREAMS... For which you need to strive to make it real. For which you need to work hard to make it real. 

As the saying goes,"Only those dreams are successful those who dare to see them". Here I am not talking about the dreams which we see in the night but about those dreams which does not let us sleep. 

If man is a bird then dreams are its wings,

If man is a tree then dreams are its roots,

If man is a book then dreams are its pages to be filled. 

Dreams makes our life meaningful, gives direction and finally leads us to a way. 

We strive day and night to make that dream come true. 

I say Take up one idea make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it and live for it. 

Let the brain, body and every nerve just work towards it. That will lead you on the way to success. 

It is said "Build your own dreams or else someone will hire you to make theirs".

There will be many obstacles coming your way. The road to your dreams will be full of hardships and rocks. But you need to decide whether you need to build a bridge to cross towards your dreams or surround yourself with a wall. 

It depends upon you. Dreams are not considered as big or small, are not seen as rich or poor, It does not see any religion. They are simply meant for working towards it and achieving it. 

Dreams can be seen by anyone but working religiously to make it happen is done by a few. And then if they don't acheive it they blame the circumstances and their unwanted dreams. But dreams are not failure but its the dreamer who instills failure. 

So never stop dreaming just be focused and work towards your dream in a positive way. 

After all life is not about finding yourself but creating yourself in this world. So dream it and have it!